Monday, July 14, 2008

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

I don't think this piece is in print anymore. I ran across this recording because on my "feedjit" on my worship blog - - I noticed that someone in Japan had googled my name. Wierd! I don't know why anyone in Japan would do that. Unless perhaps Lyndel Littleton is a common name there. I don't think it is since the letter "L" isn't one of their favorite letters...

Anyway, when I clicked on the google link from feedjit I saw this link to the Georgetown College Handbell Ensemble playing an arrangement of mine. It was published by LifeWay several years ago.

Here's what is on the link. (I think the "click here" link will work from blogger.)

Georgetown College Handbell Ensemble
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
arr. R. Lyndel Littleton
Click here if the video does not load automatically.

This is an excerpt recorded on November 4, 1999 at the combined concert of the Handbells, Chapel Brass and String Ensemble.
The Handbell Ensemble is under the direction of Dr. Angela Easterday.

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