Friday, March 03, 2006

Look Ma, I'm in Korea

Oh how fun is this? Since the point of this web site is to shamelessly promote my music then it may not surprise you that I've done a little research. I "googled" myself! It had been kind of fun to see the different web sites that have my name because they are selling some of my handbell or choral music. But I was really surprised to find two sites in Korean! One has my handbell arrangement of Imortal Invisible listed. You can even click on a link and see the first page of it. But even more surpirsing was this link.
It's a Korean page again listing my choral piece I Will Giv eThanks to the Lord. The realllly cool part is that you can click on the row of boxes (unless you've installed the Korean language on your computer - if it asks you to you can click cancel) next to the "sound" icon next to my name and you'll hear a Korean choir singing it in Korean.


Daniel and Christy Davis said...

Too bad my computer doesn't have sound or I could listen to it.

JEff said...

Hey Lyndel,
We linked you to our blog.
I know from Seminary that there are a lot of Christians in Korea!

Anonymous said...

That was too cool! You'd probably be a big celebrity in Korea...kind of like David Hasselhoff is in Japan (or wherever that place is over seas).

Anonymous said...

Yes...very cool. I tell people all the time that my family is the collest.

Roger, David Hasselhoff is huge in Germany. Don't you remember him singing when they tore down the wall?

Anonymous said...

Randall, I had forgotten that you are the President of the David Hasselhoff fan club. Now that you mention it, I do remember him singing at the wall. Oh why doesn't he sing more often here at home? Come back David......

Anonymous said...

Roger! You need to start a blog. We need to know all of the exciting things going on in your life.

Jay Beerley said...

Way cool, Lyndel! You'll be world famous before you know it! Don't forget us little people. :)

Anonymous said...

a beautiful song

have you sung it at your church?